
Door Becca.png

Hi, I’m Becca. You can learn more about me here.

Here’s the thing. I have been trying to write this “Welcome” piece for a month. It’s the final step to officially launching this website and as such, is a BIG step for me personally. When feeling into what I want to create, the phrase that came to me, which rang out with truth and authenticity, was “This site is not about me, it’s about us.” So what does that mean?

The internet is enormous, as close to infinite as we humans can create as far as I can tell. Yet here we find ourselves, together on this site - so thank you for co-creating this experience with me! I have worked together with friends to create this landing spot for us. This moment we share together now is the result of months of work for many people, and years of energetic clearing for myself. Bringing this intimate healing space to such a public forum was uncomfortable for me, and I frankly would have avoided all of this if I could have. But it has been made clear to me that I can’t continue to reside in the seeming luxury and safety of anonymity and continue to evolve and Ascend as we all must do. So here we are.

In the spirit and energy of co-creation that I wish for this site to uphold, I would like to thank Leslee Schaffer for the beautiful website design and for her encouragement and support all along the path that led us here. Felicia Crossley was able to translate my hand-drawn logo design into a graphic that still carries forward the energy and intent I resonated with. Truthfully, a photo shoot was something I have tried to avoid all my life. I am grateful to Stacy Keck for translating my awkward self-consciousness into images that communicate and help me connect with you.

Early in the process, Leslee asked me how I’d want my website visitors to feel and I immediately responded, “I want them to feel fully loved and fully empowered. To know they are self-healers.” So, I welcome you here. I would love to talk to you about… well, anything you’d like to talk about. My goal is to conquer your needs and concerns with you in a co-creative fashion, while inciting new and delightful experiences in your life.

Becca Price